AIMA Working Groups

Join colleagues working on similar projects and themes through AIMA working groups. These include:

Living Animals in Agricultural Museums

AIMA promotes agricultural museums worldwide and activities in various environments (rural life, open-air, ecomuseum, experimental archaeology, craft, trade and other museum categories). AIMA’s Living Animals Working Group seeks information to establish an “Observatory” of the different situations, including successes and difficulties encountered. This ongoing Survey of Living Animals in Agricultural Museums is designed to collect data about the live animals exhibited and /or working in museums dedicated mainly to agriculture or rural life, or national parks. We wish to gather the most important facts for examination by a special study group in which you may participate by filling out the questionnaire or more actively, by becoming a member of AIMA. A synthesis of the findings will help document challenges and share solutions to issues raised. Thus AIMA will exchange experiences effectively.

Bread — Atelier PAIN AIMA

Le site internet a pour vocation de valoriser la Culture du pain dans le temps et dans le monde, et de rendre compte de l’actualité autour du cycle céréales- farines – pains

Consulter les rubriques suivantes:

 Evènements (conférences, rencontres, journées techniques, fêtes, salons, etc.

Musées (collections, expositions)

Iconographie (photos, cartes postales, reportages, etc.)

Vidéos (pains domestiques, régionaux ou nationaux, marchands, rituels ou festifs)

Articles (de chercheurs, dans des dossier ou des revues)

Publications (ouvrages, revues professionnelles, références bibliographiques ou littéraires, sites)

Art (tableaux, sculptures, etc.)

N’hésitez pas à proposer des informations et actualités à mettre sur le site

Contact mouette.barboff at

Art in Agriculture

Interpreting agriculture engages the arts as well as sciences and the humanities. Conversations address creative expression as well as documentaries and other audio-video productions.

Digital Collections

As fewer visitors to agricultural museums come with prior knowledge of agriculture, museums find that digitized collections help them set the context for exhibitions and public programs, and engage the public after the visit. Discussions include issues of collecting digital natives (photographs or oral histories that exist in original form in a digital media), preserving, and interpreting these resources.