Unfortunately, the news is not too good – unable to find members who can carry on the publication of Wheel Write and other communication, the Guild decided to close down at their October 2018 AGM, although the website will continue for an as yet undefined period at http://www.guildofmodelwheelwrights.org/ and you can still enjoy the pleasure of a visit to the members’ work over the years.

As an example of exactly the sort of valuable resource the Guild has represented for over two decades, here is a glimpse of the Lincolnshire hermaphrodite farm wagon. The Guild deserves a place in the AIMA Newsletter special issue on wagons and carts and this is a note of caution to agricultural museums, researchers and their friends that valuable resources can well disappear or, at best, be dispersed. However, it is still possible to contact the Guild:
“[…] please let it be known that although the Guild is closed to paying membership, we have a group who will continue as the Guild of Model Wheelwrights, and will continue exhibiting our models for as long as possible, we will be maintaining the web site but on a reduced basis, I am continuing to offer the plans service to who so ever might require its services for as long as I am physically able, and offer to provide either paper copies of plans at cost of printing, post and packing and out-of-hand expenses, or alternatively can offer to email plan files at the cost of a small donation to our funds, any scale can be accommodated.”